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Skin Two Magazine Issue 64 – Digital Version

Skin Two Magazine Issue 64 – Digital Version


Berlin is now the coolest city in Europe, especially for fetish fans. Check out our guide by the intrepid fetish shopper Ms SpikeyO and you'll want to get on the plane. If you need another reason, see the pictures from German Fetish Ball Weekend. Springtime in Berlin? In rubber? Yes please.


Berlin is now the coolest city in Europe, especially for fetish fans. Check out our guide by the intrepid fetish shopper Ms SpikeyO and you’ll want to get on the plane. If you need another reason, see the pictures from German Fetish Ball Weekend. Springtime in Berlin? In rubber? Yes please.

In Skin Two issue 64, we bring you the photos from the world’s top pervy parties, in Montreal, Washington DC, Lyon and London. Not to mention our own Skin Two North event – we really should have thought to call it Skin Two Live at Leeds

The Skin Two Fashion Section has grown to 21 pages in this issue. It’s a showcase of the best, most stylish fetish fashion in the world. Nobody is featured because they bought an ad, or anything like that. They are in Skin Two because we love their work and we think you will too

Dr Romana Byrne concludes the feature she started in issue 63 on the literary and cultural hisory of sadomasochism and how the Marquis de Sade, Krafft-Ebing and Freud earned us such infamy. The silly bastards. As usual, we present photography and art that’s way more stylish than the endless cheesy photos of girls in rubber frocks that you get in some of the other magazines. If you prefer something more intellient, you’ve come to the right place. Take a look at the striking images from John Santerineross, Roberto Roto, Cojac and Alex B.There’s some lovely art from Manchester’s Aly Fell and also from Butch Bignell, last seen somewhere in central China.

Fancy yourself as a dominant? Take Tessa Ditner’s quiz and find out how you really rate…

Skin Two issue 64 is 116 pages of the coolest fetish fashion, features, fun and nightlife that you will ever see.

For £3.95, we send you a PDF to read on your laptop, iPad, tablet, PC or Mac. Plus EPUB, which has more functionality for your iPad and most other readers and tablets. Plus a MOBI for your kindle. We send you a zip file containing all three versions via our transfer channel – you get it fast, anywhere in the world.

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